Theology, religion & devotional

  • Religion
  • Theology
  • Devotional

April 14, 2013

How often do we question the story of another's experience with God because it does not perfectly match our own? Why do we question the description and activity of grace if it surpasses our own experience? Our experience is not the boundary of God's power, and we err to think it is.

April 10, 2013

The problem with Osteen's statement is not that it is laughable. The problem is not that it is innocuous. The problem is it dangerously gives the false hope of self-salvation.

April 4, 2013

It seems a lot of angst is experienced over teenagers and their hair. When I hit late middle school to high school (back before electricity was discovered) guys were starting to grow their hair over their ears. In some cases it went down over their collar. Rat tails came later. I cannot talk about mullets. Many adults–and some leaders–responded with comparisons to hippies, communists and warnings about failing…

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