Theology, religion & devotional
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August 8, 2013
Up first for the Leadership Summit will be the pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, Bill Hybels.

July 18, 2013
Ali Negeb Aljazeera is befriended by the campus missionary, Bob Christian. They exchange multiple phone calls, share meals, talk about religion, politics and, occasionally, terrorism.
July 16, 2013
People watch Fox News or MSNBC or CNN not because those organizations are the best, most accurate sources of news in all, or even most cases, but because the way they report the news corresponds to how those viewers perceive things to be.
June 27, 2013
Of more concern to me is the elevation of religious liberty to a mythos of which Christians should be wary. While our Founding Fathers enshrined religious freedom into the constitution, our Savior did not.