Each of the documentaries are worth watching this year.
Each of the documentaries are worth watching this year.
This seems to be the full town hall, but may not be. I'll leave these up as long as the videos are on…
If Obama's goal is gun confiscation or disarming Americans he's the most inept fascist dictator ever.
The takeaways I have from the series are not related directly to the plot of the documentary, but are related to the criminal…
Overwhelmingly the traffic at Kingdom in the Midst is driven by Facebook. I expect this is true for most blogs.
Ordinary Injustice is a profoundly insightful and disturbing book. It is will worth adding to your 2016 reading list.
Drum roll, please (note the conspicuous absence of Steve Harvey):
That first Christmas kids know almost nothing. Depending on their age the presents mean nothing, either.
Everyone you would hope to see makes an appearance, and Jar Jar Binks has apparently gone on to his reward. And all God's…
The impact of Hillsong's Silent Night was immediate, and, on my social media without exception, negative.