Theology, religion & devotional
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To rest in the spirit of boldness and reject the spirit of fear is also to be agents of that spirit of boldness and to recruit those who are ready to dismiss the spirit of fear.
There is not one god for church authority and one god for civil authority. There is one God with all authority and he delegates it as he wills.

One of my first cars was a truck. Not just any truck, mind you, but a former fleet vehicle bought from the airport in Atlanta, GA. Another was a mid-70's model Ford Mustang iteration. Not the cool one, though.

Having written of his experiences, and noting the hollowness of Christianity in the South—indeed its fraudulent nature—Douglass felt he need to clarify his meaning.

Saying, "I don't agree with everything he says..." is really a wasted disclaimer. It is a given we do not agree with everyone.