Theology, religion & devotional
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For the first time in its history the Boy Scouts of America is considering allowing gay scout masters and members. This comes on the heels of a doubling down on the issue just a few months ago. Attempts to break the Scouts’ no-gay policy are not new, nor were they waning. If anything they were gaining steam as corporate sponsors like Merck and UPS had begun to bail.…
From a note Sonya posted to Facebook today: Today our oldest daughter, Beth, turns 28. As I was reflecting on how our lives changed so drastically when we went from young, carefree, newly-married couple to “what do we do with this little being who is depending on us to get it right” I couldn’t help but think of a memory that is forever burned in my heart and…
In the early days of the Internet, before what we now know as social media, people exchanged ideas in forums and Usenet groups. After observing many such discussions an attorney named Mike Godwin postulated an argument that has become one of my favorite things to spring from the entire online enterprise. He said, “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler…
A few months back the twitters and blogosphere erupted over a song by hip-hop artist, Propaganda. I wrote about it as well. The song is entitled “Precious Puritans” and is, in a Grand Canyon of understatement, thought provoking. Concerning well beloved puritan theologians, he raps: How come the things the Holy Spirit showed them in the valley of vision didn’t compel them to knock on they neighbors door…
When you see an image of a woman who is presented passively, and who demonstrates no other attributes aside from her physical or sexual being, that’s objectification. Naomi Rockler-Gladen, from her article “Media Objectification of Women“ A year or so ago I removed all my domain registration accounts from It was the first hosting company I ever used because it was the most well known due to…