Theology, religion & devotional

  • Religion
  • Theology
  • Devotional

March 13, 2013

Like most people raised in the suburbs of a metropolitan area, nearly all of our food growing up was a product of the industrialized food system. Neither my family’s nor my wife’s meals were dominated by McDonald’s or Burger King. But that really does not matter since most food in grocery stores is processed by the same companies in the same way. Documentaries like Fresh and books by…

March 12, 2013

In a recent piece for The Guardian British comedian Russell Brand pulled back the curtain on his struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. It is an troubling read, or I anticipate it will be to many. If my post yesterday was revealing to those for whom depression is not an issue, this will likewise be for those of us who have no struggle with addiction. Brand’s piece is…

March 3, 2013

Tonight begins the showing of the highly anticipated mini-series The Bible. Produced by Mark Burnett (“Survivor,” “The Voice”) and Roma Downey (“Touched by an Angel”) I’m already seeing a tremendous amount of buzz on Facebook. Twitter also is seeing a lot of activity. In fact, while I was looking at tweets more than 35 more dropped into the stream. A few naysayers have popped up, primarily because they…

March 2, 2013

Several years ago I was privileged to hear former professor Eugen Schoenfeld, a Holocaust survivor, address a north Atlanta audience. In the midst of telling a portion of his story he made a specific statement that stuck with me. Here is a paraphrase: Always watch what your government does in times of fear. Hitler rose to power during a time of national calamity and fear in Germany: fear…

February 22, 2013

In my last post I explored a few issues involved with what I termed “The Senior Adult Dilemma.” I encourage you to read it first for context. This response came from a friend via Facebook: Consider that the Boomer generation was perhaps the first to see that government leaders often lied to them. The Sixties were radically different than anything this country had faced. Authority figures, music, sexual…

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