- Politics

The New York Times report on an independent, trustee ordered investigation into the Jerry Sandusky matter at Penn State demonstrates damning evidence against president Graham B. Spanier; the athletic director, Tim Curley; the official in charge of the campus police, Gary Schultz; and former head football coach, the late Joe Paterno.
![One student’s response to a police search attempt [VIDEO]](https://i0.wp.com/blog.martyduren.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/RugerLC9.jpeg?fit=300%2C300&ssl=1)
How should you respond when stopped by the police for doing nothing illegal? How should you respond when asked to do things that sound “reasonable” but are actually “unreasonable” by 4th Amendment standards? An unnamed Portland, Maine student demonstrates the advantage of knowing your constitutional rights. In an exchange recorded on video, a Portland police officer attempted to question a student carrying a pistol. Since Maine is an…

Read part one of this series, Christians, race, and the U.S. legal system. Recent years have given rise to what John W. Whitehead and others refer to as the “Prison Industrial Complex.” The Prison Industrial Complex, comprised of companies like the Corrections Corporation of America and GEO Group, are for-profit corporations making money for shareholders by building, owning and operating prisons. Whereas state and federal jails and prisons…

In what is certainly one of the most grotesque disemboweling of civil liberties since Congress last took a vote, the Supreme Court of the United States has granted unfettered authority to police or jail officials to conduct strip searches on any person arrested for any crime. So, dear reader, the next time you are stopped for a traffic violation by an officer who decides to make you an…