
  • Politics
“I am Voting for Ron Paul for President,” by Jay Sanders

September 7, 2012

I have known Jay Sanders since he was in elementary school, I would guess. He has grown into a thoughtful and faithful pastor, with a great wife and two cool kids. If you do not read his blog, Pastoral Ramblings, every day it is to your disadvantage. Jay is always insightful, biblically sound, and usually hilarious. It is linked in his bio below. I knew Jay had supported…

“Why I am Voting for Gary Johnson for President,” by Beth Duren Lancaster

September 6, 2012

Beth Duren Lancaster has been interested in political conversation since a very early age. At the tender age of 15 or 16 she took a writer to task in the Atlanta-Journal Constitution for dissing young people for perceived disinterest in the political system. Her letter to the editor was published. I think we still have it in a scrapbook somewhere. I think she gets her interest in politics…

“I Am Voting for Mitt Romney for President,” by Brian Gass

September 5, 2012

This second in the “I Am Voting for…” series features support for Republican nominee, former Governor Mitt Romney. Writing in support of Romney is my friend, Brian Gass. (You can read the first part of this series, “I Am Voting For Barack Obama for President,” by Keysha Hogan, by clicking here.) The rules of engagement are the same as yesterday. Questions and challenges are fair game. Name calling…

Planned Parenthood rally at the DNC is hyped but poorly attended

September 4, 2012

A story this afternoon on Lifenews.com purported to show two different faces of today’s Planned Parenthood rally at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC. The Democratic National Convention will likely pass the most extreme pro-choice platform ever codified by an American political party. It will be a platform that promotes the continued legal status of abortion on demand. That is, the legal right of a woman to…

“I am Voting for Barack Obama for President,” by Keysha Hogan

September 4, 2012

With the close of the Republican National Convention and the opening of the Democratic National Convention this week the attention of the electorate will soon be laser-focused on November and Election 2012. President Barack Obama (D) and GOP nominee Mitt Romney are very close depending on the day and the poll, with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson well back. Decreasing civility, and increasing mud-slinging–especially between the Obama and Romney…

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