
  • Politics
How does the Federal Reserve Bank work? [IMAGE]

April 3, 2013

The inner workings of the Federal Reserve Bank are a mystery to most. This is not an attempt to explore those depths, but to provide an easily remembered summary as to how the Fed works at a practical level. The explanation lies on the shelf or in the closet of tens of millions of Americans. Behold: [HT: Against Crony Capitalism]

Asset forfeiture: When profit obscures justice

March 27, 2013

From a John W. Whitehead commentary: Long before Americans charted their revolutionary course in pursuit of happiness, it was “life, liberty, and property” which constituted the golden triad of essential rights that the government was charged with respecting and protecting. To the colonists, smarting from mistreatment at the hands of the British crown, protecting their property from governmental abuse was just as critical as preserving their lives and…

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