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In his latest Executive Order, dated July 6, 2012, and entitled “Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions”, President Obama, under the auspices of organizing communications responsibilities in times of national crises, has expanded government reach. He writes: Section 1. Policy. The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive…
Is student loan debt the next economic bubble to burst in the U.S.? Will most of these studious young adults ever find the kind of employment commensurate with their degree or the amount of money payed/borrowed to obtain it? Will college costs revert to pre-easy debt levels? Yes, maybe and not likely. We (Sonya and myself) are at the stage of life to have seen two kids through…

The New York Times report on an independent, trustee ordered investigation into the Jerry Sandusky matter at Penn State demonstrates damning evidence against president Graham B. Spanier; the athletic director, Tim Curley; the official in charge of the campus police, Gary Schultz; and former head football coach, the late Joe Paterno.
The Borowitz Report has released a copy of Mark Zuckerberg’s pre-IPO letter to potential Facebook investors. Snarky stuff from the guy who showed up at an investment bank meeting in a hoodie recently. Zuckerberg’s letter is followed by a couple of thoughts of my own. Dear Potential Investor: For years, you’ve wasted your time on Facebook. Now here’s your chance to waste your money on it, too. Tomorrow…
A pastor I once heard said When I first started preaching I preached a sermon entitled, “Ten Surefire Ways to Raise Godly Kids.” Now I have kids that are getting older, I changed it to, “A Few Things You Might Want to Try With Your Kids. They Might Work and They Might Not.” This humorous thought is the dilemma faced by young pastors. The need to preach with…