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A friend of mine asked, “Have you seen the commercials about GM’s “record year” and heard Obama bragging about what a great success the bailout was? Uh, not so much.” It was this article in Forbes to which he was referring.
Have you heard about Trapwire? Do not feel bad if it has escaped your attention. Chances are very good it has not been brought to your attention. And for good reason. According to recent reports based on documents provided by Wikileaks the federal government of the United States is installing a massive surveillance system across the country. Using facial recognition software the potential for tracking every person at…
From the news release: LifeWay Christian Resources and Student Life, Inc., minister to more than 100,000 teenagers each year as two of the largest providers of Christian student conferences. On Aug. 15, Student Life officially became part of the LifeWay family of resources. Leaders of both ministries emphasized that while their camp experiences are programmatically different, each ministry is committed to seeing the lives of students transformed by…
Those who never lived through the Great Depression scarce want to imagine how much worse it was than the Great Recession we are currently enduring. With each economic indicator we hope to see upticks in production, manufacturing, GDP and the rest of the measures indicating health, while a fall in unemployment would also be welcome news. The Federal Reserve reported in June the median net worth for American…
After my post asking that Fred Phelps’ family religious group be termed a cult a few people wondered at the wisdom of the media making such a designation. The Topeka based group refers to themselves as The Westboro Baptist Church and has since the 1940s. Why then, should the media refer to them as a cult rather than how they define themselves? In a word: accuracy. For many…