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Tonight the major networks will host a debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. (Third party candidates have been asked to stay home. Upsetting the accepted narrative is frowned upon by the Presidential Debate Commission.) Of these few things you can be sure: 1. Both men will say something good. 2. Both men will make gaffes. 3. Even if Barack Obama falls off the stage, drops an F-bomb,…

A week or so ago results from a recent in-depth investigative report on America’s drone war were released. Despite horrid reviews for President Obama’s involvement in it, several “mainstream” news outlets reported the findings. A CNN report entitled Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U.S. study says states The report accuses Washington of misrepresenting drone strikes as “a surgically precise and effective tool that makes…

Elizabeth is a friend from Chile. She has been in the U.S. for more than a decade after being raised under one of our government’s favorite dictators, the brutal human rights abusing Augusto Pinochet. I am originally from Chile, but two years ago I became a naturalized US citizen. This upcoming election is the first time I will ever vote for a president. I was born and raised…
How much of your life is online? How much could someone find out about you in just a few minutes? Watch this. This commercial may be the most disturbing 2:28 of your month. (HT: Twenty-two Words and Image credit)

I got a trackback link today from UK Guardian reporter James Jeffrey from his article Drone warfare’s deadly civilian toll: a very personal view. Jeffrey, a British journalist based in the United States, left the British army as a captain in April 2010. He had served over nine years in the Queen’s Royal Lancers, including operational tours in Kosovo (2002), Iraq (2004, 2006) and Afghanistan (2009). No panty…