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A version of this was first posted as a Facebook note in 2009. Nothing in this post should be construed as medical or medicinal advice. The term “black dog” was used by Winston Churchill to describe depression and, though it predates the British prime minister, is the sum total of familiarity most seem have with it. Regardless of who coined it, “black dog” is as apt a descriptor…

Let’s make this short and sweet. For around 13 hours yesterday and into this morning, Kentucky senator Rand Paul (R) conducted a filibuster in the United States senate chamber. Ostensibly a delay to the probable confirmation of John Brennan as CIA chief, Paul allowed numerous times his main purpose was to draw attention to the targeted killing program operated by the Obama administration. Said program is primarily carried…
Overnight in the U.S. was daytime in parts of Russia. The first video below, from Chelyabinsk, Russia, shows a meteor shooting an arc across the sky. The second shows the resulting shockwave beginning at about 12 seconds into the video. It is quite a marvel. Reports are that hundreds of people have been hospitalized. It is not hard to see–and hear–why.
It appears two granddaughters of Westboro patriarch Fred Phelps have left the fold. Megan and Grace Phelps-Roper, daughters of Shirley Phelps-Roper, have reportedly posted the following on under a title borrowed from The Avett Brothers, Head Full of Doubt / Road Full of Promise: “There’s no fresh start in today’s world. Any twelve-year-old with a cell phone could find out what you did. Everything we do is…
From The Atlantic: Obama unaccountable when drones kill innocents Set aside the question of whether President Obama should be empowered to order the killing of Americans. Instead, let’s ask, “What happens after he orders an extrajudicial assassination?” So long as drone strikes happen in secret, nothing happens. A kill order is given, a Hellfire missile fired, and it doesn’t matter if the human blown limb-from-limb is an Al…