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How does the Federal Reserve Bank work? [IMAGE]

April 3, 2013

The inner workings of the Federal Reserve Bank are a mystery to most. This is not an attempt to explore those depths, but to provide an easily remembered summary as to how the Fed works at a practical level. The explanation lies on the shelf or in the closet of tens of millions of Americans. Behold: [HT: Against Crony Capitalism]

March 30, 2013

Planned Parenthood has worked tirelessly to ensure the long term viability of abortion-on-demand in America. With a mantra of “between a woman and her doctor” they have earned the title of America’s largest abortion mill. Perhaps now they will also become America’s largest infanticide provider as well. Some are calling this “post-birth abortion,” but that is erroneous. It is infanticide just as surely as practiced by the worshipers…

March 25, 2013

In response to a question at the recent Starbucks corporation shareholders meeting, CEO Howard Schultz reiterated his and the company’s support for workplace diversity. This includes support for same-sex marriage. As sure as night follows day a blatantly false meme began circulating on Facebook. The primary one is from Joe Miller’s Liberty Watch. His opening sentence reads: At the Starbucks annual shareholders meeting on Wednesday, CEO Howard Schultz…

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