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The accompanying email, from an abused husband, read, "that I feel needs to be shared, but I would like for it to be done anonymously. You'll know why once you read it. If you don't want to post it I understand, but I feel like it needs to be read. It's all true."
Tragic news hit this week over the death of a shooting instructor. A 9-year old girl at a shooting range was allowed to handle a fully automatic Uzi machine gun. Unable to control it, she ended up shooting her instructor to death. I am a gun owner and a supporter of the second amendment. I am not convinced fully that the right to bear arms is limited to…
If we are obedient to God we will, at some point, likely contradict the laws of man. Unjust laws demand to be disobeyed. If followers of Jesus never disobey unjust laws, then civil law has been elevated to divine.
Start with the "War on Drugs," go through the War on Terror, revisit the shredding of the Constitution, and the contempt with which young, black males are treated in many urban areas. There you'll find Ferguson.