- Justice

Like justice, the SSJ&G treatment of social justice is weighed in the balances and found wanting.

This post should not be viewed as an attempted “take-down.” It is offered as a critique, hopefully to contribute to the ongoing conversation about biblical justice, social justice, and the gospel of Jesus. The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel (SSJ&G) was released last year to much interest and commentary. At last glance, more than 11,300 people had affixed their names. As an initial signatory on a…

It is clear enough to most that we are starting at different places, yet few participants define the baseline terms often enough to advance the conversation.

Attempt a conversation these days on nearly anything related to justice (or social justice)—police brutality, mass incarceration, sexual assault, forced labor, human trafficking—and someone will respond, “Yeah, but what about abortion? More babies are killed every year than suffer in all the rest of these combined.” That much is true. Although abortion rates have, thankfully,dropped in the United States in recent years, a lot of babies are still…
Shall we, against the core of scripture, choose the side of the oppressor? I pray not.