- Culture
Popular physics lecturer and author, Brian Greene, talks about the possibility of multiverse existence at TED. From TED: Greene, a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, has focused on unified theories for more than 25 years, and has written several best-selling and non-technical books on the subject including The Elegant Universe, a Pulitzer finalist, and The Fabric of the Cosmos—each of which has been adapted into…
This is a song I love because the music is subtle and accurately expressive of the moods in the lyrics, but also because the lyrics are as meaty as a grilled New York Strip, seasoned to perfection.

Read part one of this series, Christians, race, and the U.S. legal system. Recent years have given rise to what John W. Whitehead and others refer to as the “Prison Industrial Complex.” The Prison Industrial Complex, comprised of companies like the Corrections Corporation of America and GEO Group, are for-profit corporations making money for shareholders by building, owning and operating prisons. Whereas state and federal jails and prisons…
For so long, filled with the hope of Christ's immediate return, we tended to ignore our neighbors asleep on the sidewalk heating grate in favor of watching the next installment of A Thief in the Night.
Below you will find chapter three of my book The Generous Soul. It is free for you to read or reference in teaching, but not to print or download in any format. Note that footnote references appear as full sized numerals in the text rather than superscripts. If you are behind in getting started, you can read the introduction here, chapter 1 here and chapter 2 here. chapter…