
  • Culture

May 18, 2012

The Borowitz Report has released a copy of Mark Zuckerberg’s pre-IPO letter to potential Facebook investors. Snarky stuff from the guy who showed up at an investment bank meeting in a hoodie recently. Zuckerberg’s letter is followed by a couple of thoughts of my own. Dear Potential Investor: For years, you’ve wasted your time on Facebook. Now here’s your chance to waste your money on it, too. Tomorrow…

Other thoughtful posts on gay marriage, homosexuality and faithfulness to the gospel

May 17, 2012

From Jay Sanders’ Pastoral Ramblings: This is a good time for people who call themselves Christians to question their faith. I don’t mean that in the sense of questioning the legitimacy of Christianity. I mean it in the sense of questioning the legitimacy of their own devotion to Christ. Gay marriage has been the one issue grabbing all of the headlines over the past week or so. This…

May 15, 2012

“I could never look like that.” –A million teen aged girls A dangerous reality in Western civilization is the temptation of young girls to compare themselves to the sexualized airbrushed images of models, singers and actors. The “new normal” has a brutal effect on the average girl who does not have a troop of stylists focusing solely on her for hours each morning. Even tempered viewing of commercials…

A few thoughts in light of President Obama’s support of gay marriage

May 14, 2012

For Christian culture warriors everywhere, May 9, 2012, will be a date that lives in infamy. In an interview with ABC News President Barack Obama announced publicly his support for same-sex marriage in the United States. This follows similar statements (trial balloons?) recently by vice-president Joe Biden (last Sunday) and Education Secretary Arne Duncan. The only surprise expressed by some was that the president’s “evolution” was so time…

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