
  • Culture

July 16, 2012

As a young pastor I first heard the joke as to why so many pastors are overweight. “It’s because we have outlawed everything else!” The meaning of this was clear. We were not supposed to drink, dance, smoke, play cards, etc, so food was the only place to “let things go,” so to speak. The fact is that very attitude reveals an idolatry we are loathe to admit:…

July 5, 2012

Is student loan debt the next economic bubble to burst in the U.S.? Will most of these studious young adults ever find the kind of employment commensurate with their degree or the amount of money payed/borrowed to obtain it? Will college costs revert to pre-easy debt levels? Yes, maybe and not likely. We (Sonya and myself) are at the stage of life to have seen two kids through…

One student’s response to a police search attempt [VIDEO]

June 29, 2012

How should you respond when stopped by the police for doing nothing illegal? How should you respond when asked to do things that sound “reasonable” but are actually “unreasonable” by 4th Amendment standards? An unnamed Portland, Maine student demonstrates the advantage of knowing your constitutional rights. In an exchange recorded on video, a Portland police officer attempted to question a student carrying a pistol. Since Maine is an…

May 29, 2012

Last night the History Channel introduced a new Kevin Costner produced mini-series, Hatfields and McCoys, about the original family feud. Here are a few thoughts: 1) Romania stands in nicely for the Kentucky-West Virginia post-Civil War wilderness. 2) It wasn’t necessary to go to Romania to film. There are 150 acres behind my house that would have worked well. 3) There is a lot of grimacing in this…

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