
  • Culture

August 24, 2012

LifeWay News has released a story about the continuing struggles churches and pastors have in this slow economy. Most would probably have guessed it to be this way. Below is the full text of the story with graphics from LifeWay Research. Survey: Slow economy continues to weigh on pastors By Carol Pipes NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Pastors say the economy continues to have a negative impact on their churches…

August 23, 2012

I am blessed to have a number of thoughtful and reflective friends who blog. Perhaps I should also mention very smart. Among them are two pastors, Todd Littleton and Alan Cross, and a church planter turned denominational worker, Joel Rainey. After the recent shootings in Aurora and Wisconsin the call for some kind of gun control was repeated once again. Two prominent missiologists, Michael Frost, of Australia, and…

August 21, 2012

While you were crawling out from under that rock Missouri representative Todd Akin was busy crawling under it. In a recent interview, in the context of an abortion discussion, Akin said: It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, [pregnancy’s] really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. The entire conversation…

August 17, 2012

Have you heard about Trapwire? Do not feel bad if it has escaped your attention. Chances are very good it has not been brought to your attention. And for good reason. According to recent reports based on documents provided by Wikileaks the federal government of the United States is installing a massive surveillance system across the country. Using facial recognition software the potential for tracking every person at…

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