
  • Culture

September 20, 2012

Yes. Yes. You need to see this. Now. This 4:37 extended video is excellent. From Rope of Silicon: Directed by Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech), the adaptation of Victor Hugo’s classic is set against the backdrop of 19th-century France and tells the story of broken dreams and unrequited love, passion, sacrifice and redemption–a timeless testament to the survival of the human spirit. Hugh Jackman plays ex-prisoner Jean Valjean,…

Cpl. John Watt, avionics specialist, 42d Attack Squadron, Royal Air Force, Creech Air Force Base, Nev., challenges a mode 4, Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) cryptic code on the MQ-9 Reaper prior to flight.   Cpl. Watt is part of the 432d Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (AMXS), members included United States Air Force, Royal Air Force and Nevada Air National Guard maintainers, making it a very unique Combined/Total force operation.

USAF Photo by Lawrence Crespo                      Released

September 20, 2012

I got a trackback link today from UK Guardian reporter James Jeffrey from his article Drone warfare’s deadly civilian toll: a very personal view. Jeffrey, a British journalist based in the United States, left the British army as a captain in April 2010. He had served over nine years in the Queen’s Royal Lancers, including operational tours in Kosovo (2002), Iraq (2004, 2006) and Afghanistan (2009). No panty…

September 18, 2012

Often argued as evidence that the system of government support is failing is homeless people who have cell phones. I have seen memes on social media as well as blog posts questioning how homeless people who ostensibly cannot afford food and clothing can carry a cell phone. One scenario is presented in the September 13-26, 2012 issue of The Contributor. Jesse Call writes, His daughter is in the…

“I am Voting for Ron Paul for President,” by Jay Sanders

September 7, 2012

I have known Jay Sanders since he was in elementary school, I would guess. He has grown into a thoughtful and faithful pastor, with a great wife and two cool kids. If you do not read his blog, Pastoral Ramblings, every day it is to your disadvantage. Jay is always insightful, biblically sound, and usually hilarious. It is linked in his bio below. I knew Jay had supported…

“Why I am Voting for Gary Johnson for President,” by Beth Duren Lancaster

September 6, 2012

Beth Duren Lancaster has been interested in political conversation since a very early age. At the tender age of 15 or 16 she took a writer to task in the Atlanta-Journal Constitution for dissing young people for perceived disinterest in the political system. Her letter to the editor was published. I think we still have it in a scrapbook somewhere. I think she gets her interest in politics…

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