
  • Culture
Failed prophecies from ‘Focus’

October 8, 2012

In October of 2008 the Focus on the Family organization published the “Letter from 2012 in Obama’s America.” As you might imagine it was not friendly to the then-candidate for the presidency. Sixteen pages long with 34 separate prediction points Focus laid out in deep, horrifying detail how the U.S would look in 2012. How did they do? Look at it this way: the oft cited Old Testament…

October 5, 2012

My friend Joel Rainey recently returned from a trip to Turkey. Joel has been a pastor and church planter, is an author, blogger, husband and father. He currently is the Director of Missions for the Mid Maryland Baptist Association. This week he blogged about his trip to the nation of Turkey; a trip he took with several pastors from his area. It is an illuminating story with truths…

October 2, 2012

For no particular reason I have never been a fan of rap or hip-hop, but last week I was drawn into that genre. The fellow responsible for the drawing is an artist known as Propaganda, a self-described “fire baptized, battle rapper, who’s heavily influenced by boat music and bound creative freedom in poetry.” At least I think that’s what he says. The song by which I was drawn…

On voting as an American citizen, by a Chilean immigrant

September 28, 2012

Elizabeth is a friend from Chile. She has been in the U.S. for more than a decade after being raised under one of our government’s favorite dictators, the brutal human rights abusing Augusto Pinochet. I am originally from Chile, but two years ago I became a naturalized US citizen. This upcoming election is the first time I will ever vote for a president. I was born and raised…

September 25, 2012

It seems as I grow older issues of justice and injustice occupy more of my thoughts. A recent phone conversation reminded me the change itself has only been a few years in the making. A reader of this blog (and my two previous efforts) said, “I’ve noticed that you have been writing more about justice lately,” noting the difference from emphases in blogs gone by. He would be…

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