- Culture
I wanted to get to know these people but not at the expense of compromising my moral standards. My lesbian identity and culture and its values mattered a lot to me.
In the Sawi culture of the time, the highest ideal of manhood was to gain the trust of a man in a neighboring tribe, betray him, then cannibalize him.
Innumerable online conversations degenerate into shriek-fests with political or moral opponents calling each other names, casting aspersions on motives, questioning an opponent's heritage, doubting their IQ or missing the point.
It is not necessary, I do not think, to reconcile every evil event with an equal and opposite work of God in order to believe that God will eradicate all evil in the end.
Planned Parenthood has worked tirelessly to ensure the long term viability of abortion-on-demand in America. With a mantra of “between a woman and her doctor” they have earned the title of America’s largest abortion mill. Perhaps now they will also become America’s largest infanticide provider as well. Some are calling this “post-birth abortion,” but that is erroneous. It is infanticide just as surely as practiced by the worshipers…