Nothing against cowboys, but my heroes have always been missionary pilots.
Nothing against cowboys, but my heroes have always been missionary pilots.
I found this on Twitter yesterday. It's genius.
And, I'm reminded--excepting a divine extraction or being chosen to colonize Mars--I will return to this planet. Dust to dust.
Those whose concern is "making sure," should have their minds set at ease.
"Jesus saves! Just get saved in your own country. Or in Europe."
It's because of their reporting we know the ship didn't "arrive" in Greece. It was seized by the Greek Coast Guard.
It is one thing to acknowledge God's blessings on a nation. It is quite another to claim "favorite son."
Western media is so pervasive Westerners can lose perspective of the people affected internationally by their government's decisions, and ours.
No histrionics. No gory photos. No political opinion. Just two simple graphics.
The ability to brandish "terrorist" and "terrorism" are word weapons as powerful as a military incursion.