I want my brain back for what’s left of this earthly sojourn. So, I’m leaving social media, mostly.
I want my brain back for what’s left of this earthly sojourn. So, I’m leaving social media, mostly.
Most pastors endure gossip; a few deal with it. All wish it would go away.
I have the memory of a future hope and it recurs the morn after Christmas.
Frankly, the Summit neither tries to be or needs to be cool. It's all about the content, and leadership loves content.
Jonathan Merritt is a well known writer and author whose books include Green Like God and A Faith of Our Own. Among younger…
While I check on a new Facebook plugin. Have two overlapping right now. Patience requested.
And this isn’t the first time the Aerosmith front man has sung the The Star Spangled Banner before an event. I have to…
Imagine you receive this phone call from a friend today: Friend: “Hey, you gotta hear this new album I just downloaded.” You: “Ok.”…
The latest video from GOOOH, an organization dedicated to replacing all members of the House of Representatives with ordinary citizen representatives.
The header space at martyduren.com this month advertises Mark Dowd Design Services. MARK DOWD graduated from Nossi College of Art in 2002 with…