This is a crucial book for church leaders, especially those who are struggling with a sick or dying church.
This is a crucial book for church leaders, especially those who are struggling with a sick or dying church.
[dropcap]K[/dropcap]en Miller is a long time friend who now is a pre-licensed professional counselor. Ken contributed to my earlier post addressing pastor suicides…
The song and video for Stuart Townend's "Vagabonds" are most awesome. Check them out.
When a pastor kills himself there is always speculation about secret sins (addictions, affairs, and the like), but I suspect--absent later revelations--the enormous…
Guests do not know who is a guest and who is regular. The range of guests' emotions goes from happiness to discomfort to…
Primarily I hope to contrast the major storyline departures of the movie with the Noah narrative in the Old Testament and references in…
Too many Christians are like chained dogs that have been living on a diet of gun powder and pepper sauce.
"Let your light so shine that people may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" is still in the Book.
If growth in Christ is like a 21-speed bike some are in first gear, some in 20th, and some are trying to get…
The truly problematic part for Robertson in today's culture is that he called homosexuality sinful.