One of my first cars was a truck. Not just any truck, mind you, but a former fleet vehicle bought from the airport…
One of my first cars was a truck. Not just any truck, mind you, but a former fleet vehicle bought from the airport…
Having written of his experiences, and noting the hollowness of Christianity in the South—indeed its fraudulent nature—Douglass felt he need to clarify his…
Saying, "I don't agree with everything he says..." is really a wasted disclaimer. It is a given we do not agree with everyone.
Followers of Christ should never look at an opportunity for generosity and ask, "How little?" Rather, we should ask, "How much?"
Loving those who are least like me is when I am most like Christ.
The political policy differences between many American Christians and Israeli Christians are also enlightening.
"Seat claiming" is the opposite of humility. It asserts rights that God does not guarantee.
After about 35 years of Bible study there is one thing I would recommend near the top of the list to help you…
God bears witness to Himself as His people help those who have little by way of this world's goods.
The doubt was well-founded. My relationship with God was built on sand.