Donald Trump isn’t the first person to survive an assassination attempt. What about God’s intervention in others?
Donald Trump isn’t the first person to survive an assassination attempt. What about God’s intervention in others?
Packer's words are a needed kick in the pants for so much of today's worldly comfort of conservative American evangelicalism.
People along political and ideological spectrums can love their country. Some love their country because of what it has been; others because of…
This belief in a unique relationship between America and God helps perpetuate something more than patriotism: the belief that to love country is…
Mosaic law in hand did not lead to Mosaic law in heart nor does propositional truth in the Word inexorably lead to righteousness.
The sins we commit are on our own. If someone is offended because of my sin, the problem is my sin not their…
Evangelicalism in some parts is returning to a time when Christianity is that which meditates much but mediates little.
If enslavers could force a reading of Mosaic laws onto 19th century, New Covenant cotton fields, then surely a Christian slave reading Paul’s…
Our willingness to trade away spiritual power and biblical witness for political soup and a moldy baguette is a sorrowful example of Paul's…
It is never the responsibility of the weaker brother to make the stronger sister comfortable.