Below you will find chapter one of my book The Generous Soul. It is free for you to read or reference in teaching,…
I first met Bekah Stoneking when she was about eight years old. My family had accepted an opportunity to serve at a small…
In 1516, Sir Thomas More published a short book entitled, Utopia, on which titular island lived a society of complete religious, social and…
Last fall a friend of mine, Jay Sanders (who you should be reading, by the way) sent me a message that he had…
All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by…
Writing a book is either a labor of love or an exercise in self-loathing depending on who you ask. I’ve labored with this…
Unity is what He envisioned and what the New Testament teaches. It is a better testimony than the labels we prefer.
Below is a list of people who are blogging from the live set of The Gospel Project web launch today. Some are live…
You can watch the web launch for ‘The Gospel Project’ today at 2:00pm CDT. The webcast features, Trevin Wax, Managing Editor of The…