God bears witness to Himself as His people help those who have little by way of this world's goods.
God bears witness to Himself as His people help those who have little by way of this world's goods.
I'm glad to welcome Phill Larsen as a regular contributor at Kingdom in the Midst.
Washington was keenly aware of the destructive nature of political parties and was concerned they would "enfeeble public administration."
For the followers of Jesus voting is not foremost about being a good citizen or exercising our rights.
Today I welcome back Phillip Larsen with some political observations. His opinions may or may not reflect those of the management.
A year or so ago one of my friends (either Devin or Amy) said, "You should watch The West Wing. You'd love it."
"It is fitting that we re-dedicate ourselves to the peaceful progress of all men under one God."
This occasional aggregation of content never fails to disappoint.
Is this the real life? Is this the fantasy?
If America circles the toilet it is because Democrats sit on the lid while Republicans hold down the handle.