Today we forego the theological reflection, and simply ask for prayer.
Today we forego the theological reflection, and simply ask for prayer.
My purpose for writing is to encourage anyone contemplating running a half. This post is descriptive, not prescriptive.
"Crows feet" are not only on birds, and a man's chest typically falls into his drawers. It's just the way it is.
In light of Robin Williams tragic death Monday morning, here are three really solid articles on depression and suicide. I encourage you to…
When a pastor kills himself there is always speculation about secret sins (addictions, affairs, and the like), but I suspect--absent later revelations--the enormous…
Following the Facebook play-by-play on my colonoscopy last week, my friend Dan Kassis sent me this poem.
I want to finish strong not because of a misguided desire to be remembered fondly or eulogized meaningfully or quoted positively.
As frustrating this is for Morgan and who knows how many more like him, poor customer services pales in comparison to insurance premium…
I spent about an hour at Lowe's one night thinking through the cheapest way to accomplish the upside-down garden without having the neighbors…
Like most people raised in the suburbs of a metropolitan area, nearly all of our food growing up was a product of the…