The algorithms behind Facebook search, Facebook newsfeed, Google, Bing, etc, pre-filter our results based on what we like.
The algorithms behind Facebook search, Facebook newsfeed, Google, Bing, etc, pre-filter our results based on what we like.
A media outlet assured to be different from the accuracy questioned, priority challenged heavy hitters like Fox, CNN, and MSNBC.
In public debate the word "bestiality" is the new "Nazis." It indicates you have no serious argument and should not be given the…
Jesus Christ looked more like this Palestinian resident of modern Bethlehem than a citizen of Utah.
An Alabama man convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl will serve no jail time, despite being guilty of a felony that mandates at…
Prior to the last election red flags were raised about the U.S. dollar and its unique place in the world economy.
And we used to laugh at Grandma who believed everything in the National Enquirer.
It is Friday again and time for a few good articles from the week.
At the core of Newco will be a different plan for how to build a large news organization.
From a cultural perspective, infanticide has been considered the practice of uncivilized peoples. I posit that how a society treats its most vulnerable…