So, let the record reflect July 7, 2015 is the day I complimented Fox News.
So, let the record reflect July 7, 2015 is the day I complimented Fox News.
Why does the president seem to always affirm Islam? Why does he appear "soft" in the minds of so many Americans?
Remember our authority for the mission, power to serve God and joy in doing so has never--not even in the heyday of the…
I don't need an objectionable banner to remind me that I'm Southern, or what Southern culture is like. I have a country, the…
The solution isn’t to kill more white people in the process of apprehension and arrest. But killing fewer Black people in the process…
Future days may further illuminate his thinking, and it will be as twisted as a french braid. I stand to be corrected, but…
There is nothing Dajerria Becton could have said or done in those very few seconds to warrant the physical assault perpetrated on her…
It is possible for followers of Jesus to love the way Jesus loved. However, the way Jesus loved is not a comfortable thing.
If the love of God is not for Caitlyn Jenner, and Kim Kardashian, and Hillary Clinton, and Jeb Bush, and Darren Wilson, and…
If we believe in justice then we cannot and should not blithely quote Romans 13 as if the Minor Prophets never scribbled a…