The ability to brandish "terrorist" and "terrorism" are word weapons as powerful as a military incursion.
The ability to brandish "terrorist" and "terrorism" are word weapons as powerful as a military incursion.
Pretty sure the drill instructor did not see this coming.
Ten chapters. Ten areas of importance. Encouragement not rebuke. A book any man would read, not just pastors or theologians.
I'm not sure if every Virgin Mobile flight will feature this 5:00 video in place of "Please return your seats to the upright…
I want to finish strong not because of a misguided desire to be remembered fondly or eulogized meaningfully or quoted positively.
And we used to laugh at Grandma who believed everything in the National Enquirer.
As frustrating this is for Morgan and who knows how many more like him, poor customer services pales in comparison to insurance premium…
The weekend approaches, and with it here are five recent articles from the net. All are worth your consideration.
Recently a coworker had what is, for all I know, common text exchange from a fellow seeking a date.
But, like many other good things, social media can overwhelm to the point of intrusion. This can happen without us even realizing it.…