Ten chapters. Ten areas of importance. Encouragement not rebuke. A book any man would read, not just pastors or theologians.
Ten chapters. Ten areas of importance. Encouragement not rebuke. A book any man would read, not just pastors or theologians.
Ministry Grid is, in short, a revolution in ministry training for the local church.
At the core of Newco will be a different plan for how to build a large news organization.
The Willow Creek Association Global Leadership Summit remains the best annual conference I have ever attended.
Chris Brown is co-pastor of North Coast Church,the Evangelical Free denomination's largest church with 9000+ attendees, 25 services and multiple campuses.
Liz Wiseman is president of The Wiseman Group, and former executive at Oracle Corporation, a Fortune 100 company.
Patrick Lencioni bio Named as one of The Gurus You Should Know, Fortune Magazine and America’s Most Sought-After Business Speakers, The Wall Street…
Founder of the not-for-profit organization America's Promise Alliance, as well as the Colin L. Powell Center for Leadership and Service at his alma…
Up first for the Leadership Summit will be the pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, Bill Hybels.