Todd Littleton, host of the /pa-theo-logical/ podcast, joins me today on this crossover episode. We are discussing the use of language in the…
Todd Littleton, host of the /pa-theo-logical/ podcast, joins me today on this crossover episode. We are discussing the use of language in the…
Western media is so pervasive Westerners can lose perspective of the people affected internationally by their government's decisions, and ours.
I can’t deny the fact that God has shown up in my life in unexplainable and unfathomable ways. I can’t deny the love…
Sunday mornings were hell for me. He would make me go to church with him and at the end of the service he…
So I never really knew when he was going to choose to hurt me. When he did, he would come to the back…
The international “business” of human trafficking rivals Fortune 500 companies for profitability and eclipses them all in the sheer numbers of people involved.
For no particular reason I have never been a fan of rap or hip-hop, but last week I was drawn into that genre.…
While you were crawling out from under that rock Missouri representative Todd Akin was busy crawling under it. In a recent interview, in…
I have been blogging for nearly 9 years, and truly enjoy the medium. It has provided a way for me to engage others,…
Have you heard about Trapwire? Do not feel bad if it has escaped your attention. Chances are very good it has not been…