Some Obamacare haters may find this a reason to avoid Breaking Bad and hate Obamacare even more.
Some Obamacare haters may find this a reason to avoid Breaking Bad and hate Obamacare even more.
When might you tip less than 20% and not feel guilty?
Following the Facebook play-by-play on my colonoscopy last week, my friend Dan Kassis sent me this poem.
I'm not sure if every Virgin Mobile flight will feature this 5:00 video in place of "Please return your seats to the upright…
Recently a coworker had what is, for all I know, common text exchange from a fellow seeking a date.
Headline/content disagreement happens all too frequently as media outlets strive to one-up each other.
Not perfect, but not bad either. Bono of U2 impersonates former president Bill Clinton.
Now, more than 10 years following the final pane of Calvin & Hobbes comes a documentary: Dear Mr. Watterson.
Clarke and Dawe have worked together as a team for more than 25 years. The unsuspecting have on more than one occasion believed…
Since the opening of Les Miserables on Christmas day, I have read no shortage of reviews from the professional critic and lay person…