What if food matters and not simply to fill our bellies. What if food reveals something of God to us.
What if food matters and not simply to fill our bellies. What if food reveals something of God to us.
How would Artificial Intelligence update a classic novel? As a test, I used OpenAI's ChatGPT to "write" three updated chapters of Charles Dicken's…
Some Christian Nationalists, in trying to defend the focus on “nation,” insist that God is building “a nation of nations.” But that is…
A limited harmony of the gospel narratives provides enough evidence to conclude there was a bare minimum of five women at the tomb…
Sinners or saints? During the course of the last few years it has become the trend among some Christians to refer to themselves…
The justice seeker who becomes cynical finds him or herself seeing only evil so that even good results are hear to see and…
Evangelicalism in some parts is returning to a time when Christianity is that which meditates much but mediates little.
Innumerable online conversations degenerate into shriek-fests with political or moral opponents calling each other names, casting aspersions on motives, questioning an opponent's heritage,…
I can’t deny the fact that God has shown up in my life in unexplainable and unfathomable ways. I can’t deny the love…
Sunday mornings were hell for me. He would make me go to church with him and at the end of the service he…