All Christians fail in some way or another. Anyone claiming sinlessness is suspect morally, and lying actually.
All Christians fail in some way or another. Anyone claiming sinlessness is suspect morally, and lying actually.
Jesus was not creating a 1st century guide for international tourism, like a scroll-bound Fodor's.
Sometimes a casual bystander to an online riot may wonder whether the love part exists even in secret.
It is possible for followers of Jesus to love the way Jesus loved. However, the way Jesus loved is not a comfortable thing.
The "reward" God promises is not comprised of trinkets and toys. It is He Himself. He is the reward faith grasps, finding a…
Bible apps can be clunky. Bloat can become a reality as everything in the world gets crammed into the Word: reading plans, notes,…
Although there are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and Islam dominates entire regions and peoples, here are 3 reasons I…
"Crows feet" are not only on birds, and a man's chest typically falls into his drawers. It's just the way it is.
I fully believe the weight of preaching, it taken seriously, is as great a burden as can be born by a believer in…
If we are obedient to God we will, at some point, likely contradict the laws of man. Unjust laws demand to be disobeyed.…