JORD has made a beautiful and unique timepiece.
JORD has made a beautiful and unique timepiece.
Abortion is no more about a woman's reproductive rights than Charles Manson's infatuation with The Beatles was about music appreciation.
Primarily I hope to contrast the major storyline departures of the movie with the Noah narrative in the Old Testament and references in…
Too many Christians are like chained dogs that have been living on a diet of gun powder and pepper sauce.
This is what I have discovered: there is no single best era for music. There is great music--not just good music--in every era.
If growth in Christ is like a 21-speed bike some are in first gear, some in 20th, and some are trying to get…
I am not so much concerned with whether Obamacare is the best manifestation of Universal Healthcare, or whether the website works, or whether…
A man who is willing to undertake the discipline and the difficulty of mending his own ways is worth more to the conservation…
Soon I saw my atheism for what it is: an intellectual belief most accessible to those who have done well.
We've probably spent upward of $1,200 on live Christmas trees in the past 30 Christmases. There's something to be said for fakery.