With the prevalent use of the term, one could not be faulted for concluding that Bible must have pretty clear guidelines as to…
With the prevalent use of the term, one could not be faulted for concluding that Bible must have pretty clear guidelines as to…
Some Christian Nationalists, in trying to defend the focus on “nation,” insist that God is building “a nation of nations.” But that is…
Because churches by-and-large receive donations without actually generating income, economic downturns affect their ability to be charitable with their charitable gifts. If members’…
It is less a career change than one of discipleship, paying closer attention to the path and, hopefully, to the Word that lights…
People along political and ideological spectrums can love their country. Some love their country because of what it has been; others because of…
Mosaic law in hand did not lead to Mosaic law in heart nor does propositional truth in the Word inexorably lead to righteousness.
If enslavers could force a reading of Mosaic laws onto 19th century, New Covenant cotton fields, then surely a Christian slave reading Paul’s…