It is easy to see why secularists and atheists are comfortable with Sanders' idea of God.
It is easy to see why secularists and atheists are comfortable with Sanders' idea of God.
"It is fitting that we re-dedicate ourselves to the peaceful progress of all men under one God."
This occasional aggregation of content never fails to disappoint.
How Planned Parenthood leaders lie, and don't lie, when they say, "We don't break the law."
In the Beginning, is a powerful, timely message, addressing the fear and uncertainty many followers of Jesus are facing during these days.
If you are pro-life with a friend who aborts do not fail to mourn with those who mourn, and weep with those who…
Is this the real life? Is this the fantasy?
If America circles the toilet it is because Democrats sit on the lid while Republicans hold down the handle.
"Lend, expecting nothing in return." That's pretty much the same thing as giving. It's also a better way.