How would Artificial Intelligence update a classic novel? As a test, I used OpenAI's ChatGPT to "write" three updated chapters of Charles Dicken's…
How would Artificial Intelligence update a classic novel? As a test, I used OpenAI's ChatGPT to "write" three updated chapters of Charles Dicken's…
Our reactions typically say much more about us than the person with whom we are interacting.
This is awesome. Captain American with a little Government 101 on Spidey.
Despite her Syfy-esque attire, Stone prevailed. Fallon excitedly called her the "clear, clear winner" declaring her lip sync the best one every performed.
If growth in Christ is like a 21-speed bike some are in first gear, some in 20th, and some are trying to get…
Soon I saw my atheism for what it is: an intellectual belief most accessible to those who have done well.
Our best play is defense until someone acts outrageous then call them out? The God of all creation should not be relegated to…
Now, more than 10 years following the final pane of Calvin & Hobbes comes a documentary: Dear Mr. Watterson.