The closer the presidential election draws the more attentions return to the issue of abortion. Those on the left cry “women’s rights” while…
The closer the presidential election draws the more attentions return to the issue of abortion. Those on the left cry “women’s rights” while…
In October of 2008 the Focus on the Family organization published the “Letter from 2012 in Obama’s America.” As you might imagine it…
My friend Joel Rainey recently returned from a trip to Turkey. Joel has been a pastor and church planter, is an author, blogger,…
For no particular reason I have never been a fan of rap or hip-hop, but last week I was drawn into that genre.…
It seems as I grow older issues of justice and injustice occupy more of my thoughts. A recent phone conversation reminded me the…
This second in the “I Am Voting for…” series features support for Republican nominee, former Governor Mitt Romney. Writing in support of Romney…
A story this afternoon on purported to show two different faces of today’s Planned Parenthood rally at the Democratic National Convention in…
While you were crawling out from under that rock Missouri representative Todd Akin was busy crawling under it. In a recent interview, in…
"We pray this tragedy awakens the collective conscience of Black America to a wretched and unregulated industry that is profiting from the deaths…
To catch up on this series you can read the first part, and the second part. When writing on the subject of abortion,…