Because churches by-and-large receive donations without actually generating income, economic downturns affect their ability to be charitable with their charitable gifts. If members’…
Because churches by-and-large receive donations without actually generating income, economic downturns affect their ability to be charitable with their charitable gifts. If members’…
Attempt a conversation these days on nearly anything related to justice (or social justice)—police brutality, mass incarceration, sexual assault, forced labor, human trafficking—and…
Why should pro-lifers rely on appointment of supremes as a major strategy?
If you are pro-life with a friend who aborts do not fail to mourn with those who mourn, and weep with those who…
Only in the alchemic world of the abortion industry is a baby living outside the womb transformed into something with fewer rights than…
Cecile Richards declined an internal investigation based on her belief that Planned Parenthood wasn't doing anything wrong.
In a 2011 Washington Post op-ed, Frances Kissling, activist with Catholics for Choice, made this strong argument: pro-choice Americans are out of touch…
The following is from an acceptance speech given by Sanger, October 25, 1950, at the 30th anniversary of the Planned Parenthood Federation.
Showing compassion for women in difficult circumstances is very important to shaping their views on abortion. This seems significant.
Predictably, like a pigeon decorating a park statue, Planned Parenthood excreted a lie.