The most revealing moment at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Not gonna lie: I’m a fan of Obama’s Correspondents’ Association Dinner speeches. I will miss them. Obama has good comedic timing, and he (and his team) regularly come up with excellent material. This year he skewered all the major candidates, Democrat and Republican. He skewered journalists. He even skewered himself.

But it wasn’t a joke by the president that is the focus of this post, but a response from the audience.

Around the 2:30 mark, beginning with “Next year at this time…” Take a listen.

It’s pretty clear the ensuing applause is for more than a joke well-crafted. It’s hopeful approval that Hillary will win the White House in November.

Everyone knows journalists–as a whole–lean Left. Many of them have already fallen over and can’t get up. Nevertheless, if anyone from the White House pool of correspondents happens to stumble across this humble post, take note: we know where most of your allegiances are. We accept it. But could you please try not to wear it quite so prominently on your collective sleeve?

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