On this episode of The Fourth Estate podcast, we consider whether the Benghazi episode or the email scandal could do more harm to Hillary Clinton’s campaign (the latter), the Spotlight team at the Boston Globe (general discussion), and the state of newspaper investigative teams (in trouble).
NOTE: The original audio file was corrupted around the 6:25 mark. A new file was uploaded to the server around 9:20am, January 23, 2016.
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Episode Notes
Hillary’s Emails
Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG
Former Defense Secretary suggests the odds are “pretty high” Clinton’s emails were hacked. (HT to listener Travis for the link)
The Search for Local Investigative Reporting’s Future
Newspapers and Investigative Teams
The sky is falling on print newspapers faster than you think
Interview with The Boston Globe’s Spotlight team that reported the Catholic clergy pedophile scandal.