The great pencil giveaway

I’m a pencil geek.

You can blame Charlie Pharis. I do.

Before a year or so ago I had not used a wooden pencil for regular writing for decades. Opting for mechanical pencils during high school, the 0.5mm “ready snap” leads were the pencil of choice. I suppose it was the convenience of twisting the barrel rather than walking to the wall sharpener that howled like a bone grinder.

Charlie sent me a “care package” of wooden pencils. A wider variety of pencils I had never seen. My previous scope consisted of yellow No. 2s, those with football team names and colors, and other novelty types. Charlie changed all that. Then, my wonderful wife made me a fabric case with a ribbon tie. (It is unique and attractive; she’s sold several since then.)

To celebrate pencil geekery I’m giving away a Pencil Geek Starter Kit consisting of nine wooden pencils, and one Sonya Duren hand crafted pencil case with 10 slots (pictured below). Also included is one Staedtler “Mars plastic” eraser (not pictured).

Pencil case

The pencils are:

Viarco 260 HB (Portugal)

Mitsu-Bishi 9850 HB (Japan)

Tombow Mono B (Japan)

Moon Try-Rex B21 (US)

Musgrave 1200 Drawing HB (US)

Nataraj 621 Ruby HB (India)

General’s Cedar Point 2HB (US)

Palomino Golden Bear 2 (US)

Palomin0 ForestChoice 2 (US)



If you are a fellow pencil geek and are interested in a custom pencil case made by Sonya Duren, please contact me through the contact page. Cost is $30 + shipping to your part of the globe.


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