[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hether or not a person recognizes the Christ-centered nature of Christmas, the virtuous ideals displayed during the season–generosity, love, peace, family, compassion, serving others–are a microcosm of the kingdom of God.
We’ve probably spent upward of $1,200 on live Christmas trees in the past 30 Christmases. There’s something to be said for fakery.

One of the best Christmas songs I ever heard was written and performed by Larry Holder in the late 1970s at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Jonesboro, GA.
Crass commercialization should never have become part of Christmas. It is the antithesis of why we celebrate.
Regardless of pagan influences on items that sometimes accompany our Christmas celebrations, it has been a celebration of the birth/incarnation of Jesus Christ for centuries. There is a reason the pagan roots have faded with history.
Perhaps the most meaningful Christmas I’ve ever experienced was when our oldest was about six. It had been an especially tough year and Christmas giving was a stretch. We let her know in advance gifts would be slim, so to be selective in her asking. Christmas morning saw few gifts none having cost much money. After opening each individual gift she kissed both Sonya and I and said, “Thank you so much!” She acted no different than any Christmas before or since. I get misty typing it even today.
Charlie Brown was right.
I do not want Jesus lost in the shadows of so many lights.
Those shepherds never had another night like that night.
I’d like to think there are special condos in heaven prepared for those infants Herod murdered while attempting to kill Jesus. And for their parents.
Unbridled spending on gifts has had a nice long run. It is time to return to simpler giving. We need not feed greed in the name of a King who owned almost nothing. Perhaps the wise men with their gifts, laden with symbolism, were onto something.
And speaking of: I wonder how long the wise men looked over their shoulders after leaving Israel?
Surely He taught us to love one another. His law is love, and His gospel is peace.