I need your ideas for my next book

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]y amazing and spectacular wife presented me with an equally amazing and spectacular gift for my birthday. We call it the Book of Stories. It is the most humbling gift I have ever received.

I will explain it in full later. Consider that a teaser…

One result of my Book of Stories is it spurred the desire to write a new book. The good thing is that I know the subject. The bad thing is so do a lot of other people. There are many, many related books on the market. There is a strong probability that I might just add to the noise rather than having an impact.

I want to write a simple, short book on influence. Specifically I want to write about the influence men can have on those around them from spouse to kids to friends to fellow Christ-followers.

There are many books on manhood; maybe you have read a few. Point Man, Tender Warrior, Disciplines of a Godly Man, Four Pillars of a Man’s Heart, Wild at Heart, and dozens more. It is not an unexplored area. Entire movements have been built around the idea of maximizing manhood or keeping promises.

There is nothing wrong with any of these and I have been blessed by several.

Again, perhaps my entire idea is just, to use an old football adage, “piling on.” Perhaps enough has been written.

Or, perhaps a different angle might help.

Ten chapters. Ten areas of importance. Encouragement not rebuke. A book any man would read, not just pastors or theologians. Depth without being a quagmire. Direction without the sense of failure some men feel after reading men’s books.

This is where I need your help. Man, lady or teen, in the comments name an area or two where men need the most encouragement to recognize and exercise their influence. I will use these, perhaps combine some and add to what I am already thinking or drop some of my thoughts altogether in favor of these suggestions.

Please comment here rather than Facebook; a Disqus account is not needed (although it only takes two minutes to create one). Commenting here will help me easily find your suggestions.

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